Gregor Ftičar


Monday, 20 November 2017

Ljubica Suna Čehovin awarded by the Slovenian Designers Association for her "Gregor Ftičar: Solo" album design

Ljubica Suna Čehovin awarded by the Slovenian Designers Association for her "Gregor Ftičar: Solo" album design <em>Photo: Društvo oblikovalcev Slovenije</em>
Photo: Društvo oblikovalcev Slovenije
Ljubica Suna Čehovin awarded by the Slovenian Designers Association for her "Gregor Ftičar: Solo" album design <em>Photo: Franci Virant</em>
Photo: Franci Virant

"The effect of music is stronger than any other genre of art."
Arthur Schopenhauer

We can only agree with Schopenhauer; music is that unsurpassed, all-encompassing link in which we seek either inspiration, solace, joy or pure beauty. This time, the CD cover joins the music and, together with it, silently envelops the blue, reflecting and echoing the solos of a single cloud. This simple yet colorful metaphor of seeing the virtuoso as a lonely cloud travel through the blue of heaven and play over crystal improvisation takes us beyond the known world.
The author Ljubica Suna Čehovin showed that less was actually enough and left her imagination free. Despite the given square format, the sensation of blue does not stop at it, but rather overflows the edge, just as our emotions are evoked by music. SOLO is an example of a remarkable duet that occurs when a designer listens to a client, this time a young pianist, and improvises with him in a new form. Such a feat requires two tuned instruments and four trained hands. And yes, it's so easy to create good.
This work is utterly mesmerized by the gentleness and elegance that exclude the ego, and is therefore a welcome oasis in the crazy world of over-communication and constant forced presence. Keep the playful cloud flying far in the sky...


Lahko se samo strinjamo s Schopenhauerjem; glasba je tista neprekosljiva, vseobsežna povezovalka, v kateri poiščemo bodisi navdih, tolažbo, radost ali čisto lepoto. Ovitek zgoščenke se tokrat pridruži glasbi ter skupaj z njo v tišini zaobjame modrino, v kateri se zrcali in odmeva solo enega samega oblaka. Ta preprosta in vendar slikovita metafora, v kateri uzremo virtuoza, ki kot osamljen oblak potuje po nebeški modrini in preigrava kristalne improvizacije, nas odpelje onkraj znanega sveta.
Avtorica Ljubica Suna Čehovin je pokazala, da je MANJ dovolj in pustila domišljiji prosto pot. Kljub danemu formatu kvadrata se senzacija modrine ne ustavi na njem, temveč se prelije čez rob, kot naša čustva, izzvana z glasbo. SOLO je primer izjemnega dueta, ki nastane, ko oblikovalec prisluhne naročniku, tokrat mlademu pianistu, in skupaj z njim v novi obliki zaigra improvizacijo. Za takšen podvig so potrebni dva uglašena inštrumenta in štiri izurjene roke. In da, tako preprosto je ustvarjati dobro.
To delo popolnoma očara z nežnostjo in eleganco, ki izključujeta ego, ter je zato dobrodošla oaza v ponorelem svetu čezmerne sporočilnosti in nenehne prisilne navzočnosti. Naj daleč (od)potuje igrivi oblak ...


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